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ACER will make alternative testing arrangements subject to approval from QPS. Candidates wishing to apply for reasonable adjustments should contact the ACER QPS Entrance Assessment team to discuss their needs by email

ACER will work with candidates and QPS to ensure equitable testing arrangements are made where reasonably practical.

Adjustment requests

For psychometric reasons there is no possibility of reviewing or giving special consideration to test results, such as adjusting results for any perceived or actual disadvantage; or whether the actual or perceived disadvantage arises from any incident on the sitting day or any wanted adjustment to sitting conditions. Consequently, it is important that any such adjustment be applied for in accordance with ACER's reasonable adjustments procedure. This will ensure such adjustments are made in advance of sitting.

How to submit a request

ACER recommends that candidates submit all relevant supporting documentation pertaining to a medical condition to the Queensland Police Recruitment team at the time of applying.

Candidates are required to submit supporting documentation to ACER and Queensland Police, at least two weeks prior to the assessment date to allow time for a case-by-case review and arrangements to be made where feasible. The supporting documentation can be sent to . Candidates can expect an outcome within four weeks and must consider the date of any booked assessment.

Supporting Documentation Requirements

Supporting documentation related to a test taker’s application for reasonable adjustments must:

  • be from a registered medical/health practitioner on the practitioner's official letterhead;
  • include the date and title, name, registration number, contact details, and signature of the practitioner; and
  • not be prepared by a practitioner who is related to the test taker.

Criteria for Supporting Documentation

  • details of diagnosis including the severity of the condition/disability and associated impairment;
  • information including date when the diagnosis was made and the date of professional’s most recent evaluation;
  • detailed information regarding the impact of the disability or condition on the test taker’s ability to sit the test under standard testing conditions, including levels of functional limitation resulting from the disability or condition;
  • any additional information about diagnosis, severity and impairment, including use of relevant assessment instruments with established reliability and validity;
  • detailed information, if relevant, on the impact any medications or medical treatments may have on the test taker’s ability to sit the test under standard testing conditions;
  • recommended adjustments that are justified by an evidence-based rationale, specifying the component/s of the test that the adjustments are requested for;
  • the Medical/Healthcare Practitioner’s professional credentials