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Three days before your exam date, you will receive an email notification that your Admission Ticket can be downloaded from the ACER Portal. You must print and bring this ticket to give to your supervisor at your QPSea.


You must be present at your assessment no later than the reporting time listed on your Admission Ticket. We suggest arriving approximately 10 minutes beforehand. Your assessment will begin once the registration process is completed.

Dress in tidy, casual clothing and carefully check the address and reporting time on your printed Admission Ticket.

Anyone who arrives late cannot be admitted after the assessment has started.

What to bring

The QPS Entrance Assessment takes approximately 1 hours and 40 minutes of active exam time. Additional time is also given for registration, instructions and set up between exam components. You should allow up to 2 hour and 30 minutes in total.


You may be permitted to use the bathroom during the assessment session, but this will not be permitted in the last 10 minutes of any component so as not to disturb others. No additional time will be granted for bathroom breaks.


If you have a question about the assessment, direct your queries to the supervisor before leaving the venue. These will be recorded in writing and will be reviewed by the ACER QPSea Office. Similarly, any complaints relating to the exam venue or physical discomfort suffered should be reported immediately to the supervisor on the exam day so the issue can be addressed at the time and without delay.


The QPS Entrance Assessment comprises 3 components administered under secure exam conditions. Once you have finished the 3 components the supervising team will support your safe dismissal from the venue. Early departures may affect your results. Once you have left the test centre, you cannot re-enter and continue the exam.

Prohibited items

Dictionaries, personal calculators or electronic equipment of any kind are not permitted during the assessments.

Mobile phones, pagers, calculators, stopwatches, audio or recording devices (including MP3 players) of any kind are not permitted

Scrap paper, notes, food, pencil cases, rulers or highlighters are not allowed in the assessment room.

Personal belongings must be kept in your bag and stored in the assessment room or as directed by the assessment supervisors at the venue.


The QPSea is a high stakes test. Therefore ACER, in conjunction with Queensland Police Service, has established security procedures that are strictly enforced at all times. It is important that you understand the consequences of breaches of test security or misconduct.